Advanced Java
Advanced Java – Course Overview

Course Name: Advanced JAVA
Course Duration: 1 MONTH
Course Overview:
Advanced Java is the next advanced level concept of Java programming. Advanced Java is used for developing the web-based application and enterprise application. Advanced Java stands for the applications that run on servers which are web applications. There is a huge job opportunity for Java Programmers all over the world. Knowledge of advanced java is required in many technical sectors and various IT companies are paying very high to the individuals who are knowledgeable in Advanced Java.
Course Content:
- Basics of SQL and DDL
- DML statements in SQL
- Oracle 11g installation What is JDBC
- JDBC Driver types
- Data base Data types
- Steps to connect to in JDBC
- Transaction management
- exception handling
- Batch processing
- Overview of HTML-how to create your first HTML page-tag and attributes
- XML fundamentals-XML document structure-XML parsers-XML DTDs-XML schema
- Introduction to Web application-building and deploying web application
- Introduction to HTTP
- Basics of servlet-servlet life cycle-type of servlet
- Servlet Request and Response-Servlet Handling-Data base Connectivity in Servlet
- Exception handling
- Session handling-Page redirection-Uploading Files-Auto refreshing
- Introduction to JSP-how to create your first JSP
- Components of JSP– Scriplets-expression and declaration
- Implicit objects
- Action elements
- HTML forms
- MVC architecture
- Session handling-JSP – auto refresh
- Variables-operators-objects-control flow statements
- Function-error handling-event handling-validations
- Java script window-java script documents
- Overview of EJB
- Components of EJB
- Session beans
- Message-driven beans
- Case study
Please Note:
Target Groups:-
* Engineering Students
– Electrical Students
– Electronics Students
– Mechanical Students
– Mechatronics Students
– IT Related Students
– Technical Students
* Working Professionals
– Mechanical Engineering
– Electrical Engineering
– Electronics Engineering
– Mechatronics Engineering
– IT Related Professionals
– Technicians
Week Days: Monday To Friday (45 Mins To 1.00 Hr Theory Session + 45 Mins To 1.00 Hr Practical Session) Session Duration: 1.30 Hrs To 2.00 Hrs
Week End: Saturday To Sunday (1.00 Hr To 2.00 Hr Theory Session + 1 Hr To 2.00 Hrs Practical Session) Session Duration: 2.00 Hrs To 4.00 Hrs