MATLAB – Course Overview

Course Name: MATLAB
Course Duration: 1.5 Months
Course Overview:
MATLAB(Matrix Laboratory) is a high-performance language for technical computing developed by MathWorks that is used for numerical computing tasks including matrix manipulations, data visualizations, and advanced mathematical computations. MATLAB Simulink is a graphical programming environment which, when used together with MATLAB, allows developers and designers to model and test systems prior to production. Areas in which toolboxes are available include signal processing, control systems, neural networks, fuzzy logic, wavelets, simulation, and many others. MATLAB has evolved over a period of years with input from many users. In university environments, it is the standard instructional tool for introductory and advanced courses in mathematics, engineering, and science. In industry, MATLAB is the tool of choice for high-productivity research, development, and analysis. Learning MATLAB can open the door for many jobs in Automotive, Embedded, IoT, Data science, Data analysis, Computer Science, Python, Java, and more.
Course Content:
Fundamentals of MATLAB:
- Working environment of MATLAB
- Decision Making
- 2D and 3D plots
- Simulink
- Graphical user interface(GUI)
State flow:
- Stateflow modelling
- Connective junctions
- Control flow logic
- Simulink functions
- MATLAB functions
- Graphical functions
- Truth tables
- State transition tables
- State decomposition
- Atomic subcharts
- Masking Stateflow charts
- Sequence detector
- Vending machine
- Introduction to simulink interface
- Sink and source library
- Discontinuous library
- Logic and bit operations library
- Lookup tables library
- Math operations library
- Model verification library
- Ports and subsystems library
- Signal routing library
- User defined functions library
- Masking simulink masks
Digital Image Processing:
- Programming script
- Simulink
- Graphical User Interface (GUI)
- DSP: Programming script
- Simulink
- Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Control Systems:
- Open loop and closed loop control systems
- Modelling differential equations
- Mechanical translational systems
- Mechanical rotational systems
- Polynomial built in functions
- Block diagram reduction
- Transient response analysis
- Electrical library
- Mechanical library/Gears
- Three phase circuits based on Sim Power Systems library
Please Note:
Target Groups:-
* Engineering Students
– Electrical Students
– Electronics Students
– Mechanical Students
– Mechatronics Students
– IT Related Students
– Technical Students
* Working Professionals
– Mechanical Engineering
– Electrical Engineering
– Electronics Engineering
– Mechatronics Engineering
– IT Related Professionals
– Technicians
Week Days: Monday To Friday (45 Mins To 1.00 Hr Theory Session + 45 Mins To 1.00 Hr Practical Session) Session Duration: 1.30 Hrs To 2.00 Hrs
Week End: Saturday To Sunday (1.00 Hr To 2.00 Hr Theory Session + 1 Hr To 2.00 Hrs Practical Session) Session Duration: 2.00 Hrs To 4.00 Hrs