Java Script – Course Overview

Course Name: JAVA Script
Course Duration: 1 MONTH
Course Overview:
JAVA Script is a scripting language used to create and control dynamic website content, i.e. anything that moves, refreshes, or otherwise changes on your screen without requiring you to manually reload a web page. An even better way of understanding what JavaScript does is to think about certain web features you use every day and likely take for granted—like when your Facebook timeline automatically updates on your screen or Google suggests search terms based on a few letters you’ve started typing. In both cases, that’s JavaScript in action. Many developers and businesses have used JavaScript to extend their web products outside of the browser, which means JavaScript can be used build simple desktop and mobile apps.
Course Content:
- JavaScript Introduction
- JavaScript Example
- External JavaScript
- JavaScript Basics
- JS Comment
- JS Variable
- JS Global Variable
- JS Data Types
- JS Operators
- JS If Statement
- JS Switch
- JS Loop
- JS Function
- JavaScript Objects
- JS Object
- JS Array
- JS String
- JS Date
- JS Math
- JS Number
- JS Boolean
JavaScript BOM:
- Browser Objects
- Window Object
- History Object
- Navigator Object
- Screen Object
JavaScript DOM: Document Object
- get ElementById
- GetElementsByClassName()
- getElementsByName
- getElementsByTagName
- JS innerHTML property
- JS innerText property
JavaScript Validation:
- JS form validation
- JS email validation
JavaScript OOPs:
- JS Class
- JS Object
- JS Prototype
- JS constructor Method
- JS static Method
- JS Encapsulation
- JS Inheritance
- JS Polymorphism
- JS Abstraction
JavaScript Cookies:
- JS Cookies
- Cookie Attributes
- Cookie with multiple Name
- Deleting Cookies
JavaScript Events:
- JavaScript Events
Exception Handling:
- JS Exception Handling
- JavaScript try-catch
JavaScript Misc:
- JS this Keyword
- JS Debugging
- JS Hoisting
- JS Strict Mode
- JavaScript Promise
- JS Compare dates
JavaScript Advance:
- JS TypedArray
- JS SetJS Map
- JS WeakSet
- JS WeakMap
- jQuery vs JavaScript
- JavaScript vs PHP
Please Note:
Target Groups:-
* Engineering Students
– Electrical Students
– Electronics Students
– Mechanical Students
– Mechatronics Students
– IT Related Students
– Technical Students
* Working Professionals
– Mechanical Engineering
– Electrical Engineering
– Electronics Engineering
– Mechatronics Engineering
– IT Related Professionals
– Technicians
Week Days: Monday To Friday (45 Mins To 1.00 Hr Theory Session + 45 Mins To 1.00 Hr Practical Session) Session Duration: 1.30 Hrs To 2.00 Hrs
Week End: Saturday To Sunday (1.00 Hr To 2.00 Hr Theory Session + 1 Hr To 2.00 Hrs Practical Session) Session Duration: 2.00 Hrs To 4.00 Hrs